"I Love Lucy" Facts
If you have any interesting facts or even if you have a question that's been boggling your mind Contact me. The Lucy Trivia Quiz is also an wonderful source of information and facts.

- The character of Lillian Applebee's name was later changed to Caroline Applebee. Alot of people say that there is no explanation for this, but there is. The writers felt that the names Lucy and Lillian sounded to much alike. So they changed the name.
- Desi gave Lucy a diamond-encrusted heart-shaped lapel watch on her 29th birthday, August 6th. It was Lucy's first gift from Desi. It eventually served as the model for the logo used in the opening titles of "I Love Lucy".
- "The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour" was originally titled "The New Lucille Ball-Desi Arnaz Show"? And that the first episode (Lucy Takes a Cruise to Havana) was originally an Hour and fifteen minutes long and guest starred not only Ann Sothern, Caeser Romero, and Rudy Valee, but also Hedda Hopper? The show opened with Hedda interviewing Lucy and Ricky on how their romance began and then the show went into the flashback. An hour and 15 minutes was a strange length for a show, but Desi insisted that CBS show the entire thing. So, on it's air date, the show cut fifteen minutes off of whatever was to follow that evening, allowing the entire Hour 15 show to be seen.
- Chango, an African war god, is the subject of "Babalu".
- The longest laugh ever recorded on I Love Lucy - 65 seconds occurred when Lucy does the tango with eggs in her shirt. It was so long that they had to edit half of the laugh out! Also, she didn't rehearse with real eggs because she wanted the experience to be fresh. She rehearsed with hard boiled eggs.
- Lucy said she and Gary would leave for the studio early in the morning, and would come home to find the kids had made a small fortune selling lemonade at 10 cents a glass. They each had fistfuls of 10 & 20 dollar bills. After a week, she found out they had not made their fortunes in lemonade but were instead giving tours of the house for a dollar a peep. The hoax was was exposed by Willie Mae, Lucy's housekeeper, who found a group of strangers meandering around Lucy's bathroom. She asked what the people were doing there. One of the ladies looked her up and down, snapped off a picture, and told her, "We're on the tour!"
- At first, Lucy did not like having Vivian Vance playing the role of Ethel. One day Vivian was wearing fake eyelashes... Lucy tore them off and said, "I'm the only one who wears fake eyelashes around here."
- Lucy gave strict orders that whenever Keith Thibodeaux (little ricky) was on the set, to cut down on any crude language.
- Lucy's first had her hair dyed her trademark carrot-pink color in 1942's "DuBarry was A Lady" which she starred in. Responsible for the for it was Sydney Guilaroff, senior hair stylist, who insisted on brightening her locks for the Technicolor extravaganza. (contributed by [email protected])
- Lucy tried out for the part of Scarlett O'Hara in "Gone With the Wind"
- Lucy always liked to sleep with the window open, while Desi liked to keep it closed.
- Lucy won "Best Dressed" in Hollywood. No Surpise there.
- While filiming I Love Lucy, Lucys favorite snack to eat was Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches.
- William Frawley almost never showed up at rehearsal to practice the script. He would wait until the day the show aired, show up and do his lines. Correctly.
- The twin boys in The Amateur Hour were not brothers or even related for that matter.
- The Bread in 'Pioneer Woman' was real bread! It took the studio a while to find a bakery that would bake such a long loaf! Since the bread was 8 feet long, after the show, the entire audience was invited on stage for a big slice of butterd bread.
- In I Love Lucy, Lucy always used DUZ soap.
- In any episode that you see Lucy or Desi looking though a scrapbook, it was always their real life scrapbook.
- In episode 30, it was the first episode where Desi got a producers credit.
- In the episode where Lucy and Ethel redocorate the Ricardo Appartment, you see Lucy wearing these big painters overalls. The reason she is wearing those, is to cover up her already 4 month pregnacy.
- One time while in New York, Lucy got robbed of a 40 carrat diamond ring that Desi had given her.
- In 'L.A. At Last' the so called pie that was dropped on William Holden, was really Apple Sauce.
- For "Lucy Fakes Illness" episode #16 Lucy talked to Tallulah Bankhead to ask her permission to mimic her. She asked permission of anyone anyone she impersonated on the show.
- After Lucy and Desi purchased RKO, Lucy took Ginger Roger's dressing room. It was Ginger's room when Lucy was merely an RKO contract player. Lucy redecorated, and the room was done in yellow and white (her favorite colors.)
- When Elvis Presley was on tour in the 1954, he always enjoyed watching "I Love Lucy."
- In Lucy Thinks Ricky Is Trying To Murder Her, They wanted to film that show like a play with as little stops as possible. So in some parts you can see lucy hiding costumes under other costumes like her Robes.
- The Vitameatavegamin liquid was really Apple Pectin.
- In 'The Star Upstairs', at the end, Lucy has a bandage on her face. That was a real bandage. Lucy got a bad, but far from fatal :), scratch on her face while doing a stunt.
- In 'Ricky Has Labor Pains' at the end it shows (what is suppose to be) Lucy eating Icecream with Hot Fudge, and sardiense. Actually, the 'icecream and hot fudge' was mashed patatoes and gravey. But they sardiense were real...Lucy hated sardiense so I bet it was hard to keep a strait face.
- Vivian Vance got paid $445.00 a week!
- The movie "Mame" came from a book, and was made into a movie in 1957 with Rosalind Russell portraying Mame Dennis. Lucy remade the movie. She thought her performance was so good in the movie, that she would receive an academy award for it. Lucy was terribly hurt when the movie opened to bad reviews, and was never considered for an award.
- In every "I Love Lucy" episode Lucy wore a butterfly clip in her hair that she got from her Grandma. If the clip did not fit with the costume she would wear it on a piece of clothing or on her handbag.
- Nick at Night erroneously refers to the "Christmas Episode" as one which Desi Arnaz didn't like and that's why it's not included in syndication. Not true... Desi did not want the Christmas episode included in syndication because it would look foolish for the episode to be shown at different times during the year and not just at Christmas.